Why Do You Need Competent Person Fall Protection Training?
It’s a great question that we receive often!! “Competent person” as defined by OSHA means one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them.
“Competent Person” as defined by ANSI means an individual designated by the employer to be responsible for the immediate supervision, implementation, and monitoring of the employer’s managed fall protection program who, through training and knowledge, is capable of identifying, evaluating, and addressing existing and potential fall hazards, and who has the employer’s authority to take prompt corrective action with regard to such hazards.
According to Cal/OSHA §1670. Personal Fall Arrest Systems, Personal Fall Restraint Systems and Positioning Devices. (19) Each personal fall arrest system shall be inspected not less than twice annually by a competent person in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. The date of each inspection shall be documented.
Cal/OSHA does not endorse or recognize any private training company or products. They only require that your employees have been adequately trained. Once an individual completes our Competent Person Course we issue a certificate stating that they have successfully completed this 16-hour course and that we recommend your company recognizes them as their competent person. Only the employer can deem an individual a “Competent Person” but there are training requirements that must be met which are all covered during the course. It’s a little confusing at times, hopefully this helps.
If you are interested in attending or sending someone to our next Competent Person Fall Protection Training Course, you can see more about it & register on our Training page.
Let me know if there is any other way that we might be able to help you!