A Simple Step That Will Save You Money on Your Fall Protection System
In our experience when the daily users are not consulted the costs are higher and the system’s effectiveness is diminished. Recently we were awarded a project where an overhead fall arrest system needed to be installed above tanker trucks. The trucks are required to be positioned at a specific place in the unloading bay for the hoses to be connected properly. Their in-house design team that developed the concept for the fall arrest system never took the time to talk to the people that are actually using the fall protection equipment. As a result, the system was installed and found to be short of the required length needed to protect the workers the entire time they were on the tankers. Consequently additional costs were incurred for re-engineering and mobilizations.
Save money on your fall protection equipment and system by taking the time to consult with the users of the specific equipment. Bring in a fall protection expert that can give you the safest and most cost-effective options to provide a work environment that is protected from fall hazards.
Use the form on our contact page or call us to schedule a free site visit to assess your facility to find a solution to your specific need (855) 837-3255.